vedran markulj

You can start working with Machine Learning today

I have taken some of my best notes and documentation from the past 5 years working with Machine Learning and put together a comprehensive yet manageable course introducing you to Machine Learning. Get instant access now.

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The Machine Learning Project Checklist

8 steps that will guide your through the project
Machine Learning projects can be complex to navigate

My Courses

Enroll in Course Introduction to Machine Learning End-to-End

This course will take you end-to-end through the process of working on a machine learning project – From project understanding to model selection and training and model persistence.

Enroll in Course | Deploying Machine Learning Models End-to-End

This course will take you end-to-end through the process of preparing your machine learning project for deployment – From preparing your model code for production to packaging your model into a RestAPI and containerizing everything.

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